Theme Styles
Theme Colors
Here's a quick reference for what each theme color represents.
Color | Name | Class | Description |
Primary | [x]-primary-[50-900] | Typically your primary brand color. | |
Accent | [x]-accent-[50-900] | A secondary offset color or supplementary value. | |
Tertiary | [x]-tertiary-[50-900] | A third and additional offset color. Great for informational alerts. | |
Warning | [x]-warning-[50-900] | May be used for warnings, alerts, and invalid inputs. | |
Surface | [x]-surface-[50-900] | May be used for backgrounds, card elements, and some typography. |
Skeleton themes extend Tailwind's color palette and can be used anywhere within your project. Here's a few examples:
<!-- Inlined classes -->
<div class="bg-primary-500 text-accent-500">Skeleton</div>
<!-- Tailwind opacity scale -->
<div class="border border-primary-500/50">Skeleton</div>
/* Using Tailwind @apply */
.example { @apply text-primary-500; }
/* Using CSS custom properties. Note that colors are RGB values! */
body { background: rgba(var(--color-surface-900) / 1); }
Design Tokens
These are preset utility classes generated from your theme CSS properties. See the documentation for full details.